How exciting to discover a young, talented artist; here are some sketches from his journal and photos from his traveling.
The work is amazing and inspirational! Enjoy the video.
from his website: Pat Perry is an artist and illustrator who calls Grand Rapids, Michigan home. The lands of the north, colorful people, music, and the ordinary streets of the Midwest have always moved him. In between showing his art from coast to coast or working with an assortment of clients, Pat travels as much as possible. Although Pat is happy to be able to speak and have an audience through his artwork, he does his best everyday to listen and learn from the world he lives in.
"...the last two months I have traveled through around 20 states, rode freight trains over 2,500 miles, and hitchhiked the rest of the way. Traveling is the best way I’ve found to liberate myself from the illusions of my own small life. To grow as an art maker, I must grow as a person. To grow as a person, I have to toss myself into the unknown! What I love about photography is its ability to describe the tone of a certain moment in time, similar to the way music can. I use my own photography as reference imagery all the time. I don’t consider myself to be an excellent photographer, but I have always been compelled to record the more special people and moments I encounter."
Time-lapse Drawing from Pat Perry on Vimeo.